
106.08.02---英文讀書會CHAPTER 24 : The immunocompromised patient---曾俊豪
106.03.09---英文讀書會CHAPTER 19 : The patient with acute confusion---林千儷
106.01.04---英文讀書會CHAPTER 17 : The patient with hot and/or swollen joints---鄭合愉,郭淑慧
106.06.07---英文讀書會CHAPTER 22 : Transportation of the seriously ill patient---黃雅盈
106.07.05---英文讀書會CHAPTER 23 : The pregnant patient---林品瑞
106.12.06--- CHAPTER 28 :Chest X-ray interpretation ---陳建廷
106.09.06---CHAPTER 25 : The patient with acute spinal cord compression---吳曉伶
106.04.05---英文讀書會CHAPTER 20 : Organ failure---王心雅
106.05.03---英文讀書會CHAPTER 21 : The elderly patient---羅弘昌
106.10.31--- CHAPTER 26 : Acid–base balance and blood gas analysis---陳惠如
106.02.06---英文讀書會CHAPTER 18 : The patient with a rash---黃雅莉
106.11.07--- CHAPTER 27 :Dysrhythmia recognition ---侯湘婷