
105.07.06---英文讀書會CHAPTER 11: The patient with altered conscious level---葉雅琪
105.12.07---英文讀書會CHAPTER 16 : The patient with hot red legs or cold white legs---賴佳靜/王心雅
105.01.06---英文讀書會CHAPTER 5 : Acute Medical Emergencies -The Practical Approach ---吳珮驊
105.02.03---英文讀書會CHAPTER 6 : circulation assessment---潘乃嘉
105.08.03---英文讀書會CHAPTER 12: The patient collapsed patient---張嘉蓉/李荔芳
105.09.07---英文讀書會CHAPTER 13 : The overdose patient ---林俞彤
105.04.07---英文讀書會CHAPTER 8: The patient with breathing difficulties---俞玉珊/郭淑慧
105.06.01---英文讀書會CHAPTER 10 : The patient with chest pain---陳季珊/王心雅
105.10.14---英文讀書會CHAPTER 14 : The patient with a headache---楊惠閔/李雅玲
105.11.02---英文讀書會CHAPTER 15 : The patient with abdominal pain---孫櫻慈
105.05.04---英文讀書會CHAPTER 9 : The patient with shock---曾雅婷
105.03.02---英文讀書會CHAPTER 7: Disability assessment---吳孟蓓