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2010/以高壓電場製備透明質酸 / 第二型膠原蛋白複合微粒最適化條件
2009/Determination of temperature-dependent elasto-plastic properties of thin-film by MD nanoindentation simulations and an inverse GA/FEM computational scheme
2009/Medial plica in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a histomorphological study
2008/Arthroscopic medial release for medial compartment osteoarthritis of the knee
2007/Relationship of medial plica and medial femoral condyle during flexion
2007/A novel method of encapsulating and cultivating adherent mammalian cells within collagen microcarriers
2006/A wear study of diamond-like carbon film for total hip arthroplasty applications
2006/Mechanical strength of mediopatellar plica - The influence of its fiber content
2006/Medial plicae and degeneration of the medial femoral condyle
2005/Cryo-preservation and biophysical properties of articular cartilage chondrocytes
2004/Extensile exposure in revision total knee arthroplasty using an osteomyofascial flap
2003/Use of Wagner cementless self-locking stems for massive bone loss in hip arthroplasty
2002/Effects of a Cane on Floor Reaction Force and Center of Force During Gait(Internet)
2001/Acromial Hyperplasia, the Seguel of Deltoid Contracture: A Case Report
2000/Effects of a Cane on Floor Reaction Force and Center of Force During Gait
1992/Closed Division of the Flexor Tendon Sheath for Trigger Finger