1110104-Perinatal Depression-高宇賢

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971203 Ginkgo Biloba for Prevention of Dementia (R 王晟懿)資訊
971210 Childhood Sleep Time and Long-term Risk of Obesity (R 許珮綺 )資訊
971217 Common Tinea Infections in Children (R 王晟懿 )資訊
980114 Chronic Nonmalignant Pain in Primary Care (R 蕭雅尤 )資訊
980211 Weight Loss to Treat Urinary Incontinence in Overweight and Obese Women (R 許珮綺)資訊
980311 The Effects of Tibolone in Older Postmenopausal Women (R 曾雲璿)資訊
980401 Diagnosis and Management of Sjögren Syndrome (R 蔡恩霖)資訊
980422 Diagnostic & Therapeutic Use of Human TSH (R 黃揚智)資訊
980506 Aspirin for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease (R 蕭雅尤)資訊
980617 Fungal Nail Disease (R 葉昌明)資訊
980701 Cognitive Function in Schizophrenia. Deficits, Functional Consequences & Future Treatment (R 張愛華)資訊
980708 Microscopic Hematuria (R 葉昌明)
980708 Trajectories of Glycemia, Insulin Sensitivity and Insulin Secretion Before Diagnosis of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (R 許佩綺)資訊
980805 Advances in Treating Acute Asthma Exacerbation in Children (R 黃揚智)資訊
980815 Vision Loss in Older Patients (R 蔡佩君)資訊
980916 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Diagnosis & Management (R 徐念慈)
981014 Infant Formula (R 黃揚智)資訊
981021 Identifying and Treating Panic Disorder in Primary Care (R 盧韋勳)資訊
981028 Chronic insomnia (R 葉昌明)資訊
981202 Effect of Prophylactic Paracetamol Administration at Time of Vaccination on Febrile Reactions and Antibody Responses in Children (R 張愛華)資訊