1110104-Perinatal Depression-高宇賢

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z1001019 Somatization disorder (R 張倬豪)資訊
z1001102 DVT in pregnancy (R 朱正偉)資訊
z1001207 DM neuropathy (R 顏佐樺)資訊
z1001214 Funnel Chest (R 陳則叡)資訊
z1001221 intussusception (R 顏佐樺)資訊
Z1010104 Childhood Constipation (R 陳博裕)資訊
Z1010201 Influenza Vaccine (R 顏佐樺)資訊
Z1010208 polycystic kidney disease (R 朱正偉) 資訊
Z1010229 Allergic rhinitis (R 張愛華)資訊
Z1010307 Differentiared blood pressure (R 陳則叡)資訊
z1010411 Screening for lung cancer (R 陳博裕)資訊
z1010509 3C保母 (R 曾文宏)資訊
z1010516 Extramammary Paget's disease (R 徐念慈)資訊
z1010711 Hyperglycemia induced hemiballismus (R 張愛華)資訊
z1010718 Azithromycin and the risk of cardiovascular death (R 陳則叡)資訊
z1010808 Schizophrenia with OCD (R 喬嘉)資訊
z1010829 Cough with honey (R 曾文宏)資訊
z1010919 Cough induced rib fracture (R 曾文宏)資訊
z1011003 Obesity and skin disease (R朱正偉)資訊
z1011017 Tai chi and postural stability in patients with Parkinson's disease (R 顏佐樺)資訊