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z1000824 Paederus dermatitis (隱翅蟲皮膚炎 R 盧韋勳)資訊
z1000831 A Young Man with left leg claudication (R 王彥迪)資訊
z1000907 A Woman with Refractory Wheezes (R 徐念慈)資訊
z1000921 Halitosis (VS 許珮綺)資訊
z1001005 Cushing's syndrome (R 朱正偉)資訊
z1001012 Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (R 張倬豪)資訊
z1001019 Orbital cellulitis (R 陳博裕)資訊
z1001102 Acute thyroiditis (R 張愛華)資訊
z1001123 Fatty Liver-part 1 (VS 許珮綺)資訊
z1001207 Interpretation of isolated presence of Anti-HBc in the absence of HBsAg and anti-HBs (R 陳則叡)資訊
z1001214 Cavernous hemagioma (R 顏佐樺)資訊
z1001221 Fatty liver-part II (VS 許珮綺)資訊
z1001228 Tuberculosis peritonitis (R 洪珮慈)資訊
z1010118 Seminoma (R 徐念慈)資訊
z1010208 Venous Ulcer (R 盧韋勳)資訊
z1010222 Obstructive sleep apnea & Metabolic syndrome (R 徐念慈)資訊
z1010307 Placental abruption (R 陳博裕)資訊
z1010314 Septic Arthritis (R 洪佩慈)資訊
z1010321 Kawasaki Disease (R 陳則叡)資訊
z1010328 Heel Pain (R 顏佐樺)資訊