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z1040408 aphthous ulcer ( R4 張倬豪)
z1040506 Balanoposthitis (R3 喬嘉)資訊
z1040722 Nursemaid elbow (R 陳則叡)
z1040805 Honey and neonate ( R 施凱文)資訊
z1040819 HIV screening (R 陳則叡)資訊
z1040909 how to interpret isolated HBcAb(+) (R 張舜欽)資訊
z1041118 Follow up for colonic polyp (R3 施凱文)
z1050113 如何退奶 (R3 郭育如)
z1050302 Vaughan-Jackson Syndrome (R3 張舜欽)資訊
z1050323 congenital interstitial cell of cajal hyperplasia with neuronal intestinal dysplasia (R3 施凱文)資訊
z1050406_case of the week_rabies immunoglobulin (R3張舜欽)
z1050504 Viral Pneumonia (VS 林名男)資訊
z1050518 postpartum hair loss (R 郭育如)資訊
z1050608 Sarcopenia (VS 張愛華)
z1050622 vaccination after splenectomy (R3 張舜欽)
z1050713 Pagophagia in IDA (VS 蕭雅尤)
z1050803 TB case in OPD (R3 施凱文)資訊
z1050810 claudication (R 張舜欽)
z1050824 貧血健檢報告評讀 (VS 葉昌明)
z1051002 red urine (VS 謝昌成)