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z1020403 Cold therapy (R 洪佩慈)
z1020410 Hiccup (R 朱正偉)
z1020417 Uterine incarceration (R 曾文宏)資訊
z1020508 Herpes zoster associated voiding dysfunction (R 洪佩慈)
Z1020515 Bruxism磨牙 (R 張倬豪)
z1020522 knee joint aspiration (R 陳博裕)
z1020605 Stye eye (R 朱正偉)
z1020717 Acne (R 陳則叡)資訊
z1020814 Approach to patient with dyslipidemia (R 朱正偉)資訊
z1020904 Anal itching (R 洪珮慈)資訊
z1021002 Cravit allergy (R 陳博裕)資訊
z1021009 Widal Weil Felix test (R 顏佐樺)資訊
z1021023 colon polyp (R 朱正偉)資訊
z1021030 Rosacea (R 洪珮慈)資訊
z1021106 Upper GI bleeding (R 曾文宏)
z1021113 pneumococcus vaccine, PCV 13 or PPV 23 ? (R 張倬豪)
z1021211 sequestration lung (R 郭育如)
z1030108 Paraquat intoxication (R 洪珮慈)
Z1030312 Common pediatric complaints (R 顏佐樺)
z1030409 Kikuchi disease( R 陳博裕)