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z1020828 安寧音樂治療 (Intern 楊筱惠)
z1020918 Osteoarthritis (Intern 林書蔓)資訊
z1020918 The Difference between Cancer and Non-cancer Palliative Care Consultation in an Acute Care Setting (Intern 黃暉凱)資訊
z1020925 alopecia areata (Clerk 施于泰)資訊
z1020925 篩檢的效益 (PGY 梁世昕)資訊
z1021023 Generalized anxiety disorder (clerk 賈琬婷)資訊
z1021023 Terminal nutrition and hydration (clerk 石運儒)資訊
z1021023 Urine incontinency and nocturia(clerk 呂佩諠)資訊
z1021030 Anemia (PGY 葉士佳)資訊
z1021127 chronic kidney disease (CKD, chronic renal failure) (PGY 張宏偉)
z1021127 Management of rectovaginal fistula (Intern 林家宏)
z1021127 認識食用油 (PGY 鄭可醫師)
z1021204 Euthanasia 安樂死 (Clerk 于鎮豪)
z1021218 DM remission (Intern 滕瑋琪)資訊
z1021218 hyperlipidemia guideline (Clerk 阮柏凱)
z1021218 塑化劑 (Intern 林廉捷)
z1021225 2013年家醫科科會總回顧 (PGY 黃凱婧)
z1030115 Cough (Intern 薛俊盈)
z1030129 受虐兒的評估與診斷 (Intern 劉瓊璋)
z1030219 Hyperosmolar therapy (mannitol) in intracranial hypertension (Intern 邱孟祈)