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z1040930 耳穴貼壓應用於居家照護 (後中 Clerk 許菁雯)資訊
z1040930 高血壓的中西醫觀點比較 (後中 Clerk 蕭坤元)資訊
z1041021 Case presentation: Anorexia Nervosa(Clerk 沈姿岑)資訊
z1041021 老人防跌運動(Clerk 劉巧雯)
z1041118 Case Based Discussion Dengue fever (clerk 溫晨越)
z1041118 Case presentation Different Rabies vacinnation schedule (clerk 陳培銘)
z1041118 Case presentation Management of non-alcoholic fatty liver (clerk 陳柏儒)
z1041209 Effectiveness of acupuncture (Clerk 李欣樺)
z1041216 Emergency medical condition during flight (Int 許至成)
z1041223 Case presentation migraine (Intern 鄧緯挺)
z1041230 DNR and patient's autonomy (clerk 陳畇澔)
z1041230 Raynaud's phenomenon (clerk 李健瑋)
z1050120 caring for the foriegn caregiver (Intern何采璇)
z1050127 Diet education for IDA (clerk 呂欣瑜)資訊
z1050127 Predictive factor for successful cigarrette quit (Intern 張仕昕)資訊
z1050127 Zika virus(clerk 郭驊萱)資訊
z1050217 Mental Health Response to Disaster (intern 黃子庭)
z1050217 Safety of HPV vaccine (intern 王家愉)資訊
z1050224 Headache in Outpatient Department (Intern 鄭偉宏)資訊
z1050309 Influenza 後中醫 楊捷詠資訊