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Z1061213 define a good death
z1061220 Palliative Radiotherapy at the End of Life: A Critical Review R 黃禮文
z1070110 Preventive medication in hospice (R3 吳建孟)
z1070131-2 hospice journal reading (內科R3 葉嘉文)
z1070207-2 Hospice Journal Reading (R3 吳建孟)
z1070214-2 unexpected death in palliative care: what to expect when you are not expecting R1 陳依君
z1070314 Hospice journal reading, Pronounce death r2林聖祐本課程需要專屬密碼
z1070328 hospice journal reading: palliative care in ER
z1070418 Hospice journal reading-r2 張仕勳
z1070515 Hospice journal reading本課程需要專屬密碼
z1070515 Hospice journal reading
z1070530 Clinically assisted hydration in cancer patients in the last days of life
z1070613 Hospice journal reading Maintaing hope R2許芳輔
z1070808 Hospice journal reading (R3林聖祐) Motivation interviewrv
z1070815 predictor for depression and grief r3張仕勳
z1070829 sleep quality r1劉巧雯
z1070919 Music induced analgesia in chronic pain conditions
z1071107 palliative sedation (R3許芳輔)
z1071107 末期病人與家屬的悲傷輔導
z1071114 Palliative Care in ED (R3.蔡斗元)