Case based discussion

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z1040624 Epigastric pain (Intern 陳慧卿)資訊
z1040701 張宏偉 Bell's palsy
z1040805 Rubella vaccination and pregnancy ( R 陳采汎 )資訊
z1041007 Hypoglycemia in non-DM patient (R 何意如)資訊
z1041125 Case based discussion secondary hypertension (R1吳威融)
z1050106 chronic dry cough (R1 吳建孟)資訊
z1050413 diabetes with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
z1050511 Pregnancy and Dyslipidemia (R 施凱文)資訊
z1050608 Meniere's disease (R1 吳威融)
z1050629 malignancy screen in anxiety patient (R3 郭育如)
z1051102 2 cases of vertigo (R2 吳建孟)
z1051116 Bruise (R1 林聖祐)
z1051207 acute pelvic pain (R1 張仕勳)
z1051214 lung abscess (R3 陳采汎)
z1060104 renal abscess (R3張宏偉)
Z1060215 neck mass (何意如)
z1060412 dizziness (許芳輔)
z1060531 CBD水痘 (R1林聖祐 )資訊
z1071017 Diabetes, an Integrative Approach (R4 吳建孟)資訊
z1080213 Body weight loss (R3 林聖佑)