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How to approach patient with abnormal mense (R 張倬豪)資訊
How to approach patient with insomnia (R 陳則叡)資訊
How to approach patient with palpitation (R 曾文宏)資訊
How to approach pruritus (R 陳則叡)資訊
z1050406 premature ejaculation (R1 何意如)
z1050427 constipation (R14 吳威融)
Z1060208 chronic diarrhea(許芳輔)
Z1060308 headach-林聖佑
Z1060412 protproteinuria (張仕勳)
Z1061206 Chonic and subacute cough R1曾顥睿
z1070307 how to approach constipation (R1陳依君)本課程需要專屬密碼資訊
z1070704 leg edema(詹雅嵐)