
103.02.12 教學會議決議事項 :



謝建洋103/02/1990.0 9194879187

沈淑如103/02/2695.6 94100979196

張嘉齡103/03/0589.8 9195858890

李奇聰103/03/1993.8 9796909393

陳芊予103/03/2692.6 9193919098

甘孟育103/04/0290.2 9091909090


103.04.16 張瑞真 Haemophilus pittmaniae respiratory infection in a patient with siderosis : a case report。
103.04.09 張令音The prevalence of anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies and autoiimune thyroiditis in children and adolescents in an iodine replete area.
103.04.02 甘孟育 Replace platelet concentrates containing a new additive solution,M-sol:safety and efficacy for pediatric patients.
103.03.26 陳芊予 Hemoglobin A1c May Be an Indequate Diagnostic Tool for Diabetes Mellitus in Anemic Subjects.
103.03.19 李奇聰 利用資訊提升輸血安全
103.03.05 張嘉齡 Evaluation of direct inoculation of the BD PHOENIX system from positive BACTEC blood cultures for both Gram-positive cocci and Gram-negative rods.
103.02.26 沈淑如 Human Tuberculosis Caused by Mycobacterium bovis,Taiwan。
103.02.19 謝建洋 Clinical Guide to ABO-Incompatible Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation。
103.02.12 林益明 UriSed as a screening tool for presumptive diagnosis of urinary
103/02/05 許鈞婷 The diagnostic value of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies and rheumatoid factor in patients with rheumatoid arthritis。
103/01/29 張純萍 Fasciola hepatica as a cause of jaundice after chewing khat : a case report。
103/01/22 張玉欣 運用資訊系統降低減除白血球輸血過濾器作業缺失
103/01/15 張嘉玲 Determinants of the Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate in the Era of Microinflammation。
103/01/08 張芳瑜 Dissemination of Strongyloides stercoralis in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus after initiation of albendazole : a case report。